Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec ligula a augue dictum facilisis. Proin eget tellus sed ipsum aliquam lobortis quis vitae quam. Sed lacinia metus erat, sit amet pellentesque tellus tempor sit amet. Donec vulputate eleifend orci, et dapibus sem. Proin orci velit, luctus a vehicula et, tincidunt ac mauris. Donec molestie pharetra nibh a pellentesque. Vivamus vitae varius nisi. Suspendisse id ligula consectetur, cursus lacus non, commodo purus. Curabitur semper sagittis tempus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque non pulvinar risus. Nunc suscipit volutpat lectus ac molestie. Quisque aliquam eros leo, at consectetur arcu sollicitudin sit amet. Praesent feugiat diam in tellus porttitor elementum. Aenean vulputate massa a lectus porttitor luctus. Suspendisse egestas molestie turpis, nec cursus neque ultricies pellentesque. Nunc non feugiat leo, quis varius velit. Integer vulputate pharetra nunc sit amet vestibulum. Sed accumsan orci non tempus tempor. Cras vehicula dapibus ante, a iaculis odio. Vivamus tristique nec metus nec tincidunt. Nam tempus ipsum sit amet fringilla commodo. Sed dapibus turpis neque. Proin condimentum, mauris vitae ullamcorper tempor, nibh nisl faucibus leo, vehicula porta libero velit sed lectus. Aliquam porttitor feugiat mi. Nulla quis ultricies tortor. Donec hendrerit justo egestas odio eleifend volutpat. Phasellus bibendum leo massa, a fermentum sem viverra sit amet. Vivamus pulvinar gravida felis. Aliquam non quam vel dolor iaculis bibendum eget eu mi.
The pilot went on board at six, and took his place on the bridge, to guide the Rangoon through the channels to the port of Hong Kong. Passepartout longed to ask him if the steamer had left for Yokohama; but he dared not, for he wished to preserve the spark of hope, which still remained till the last moment. He had confided his anxiety to Fix who—the sly rascal!—tried to console him by saying that Mr. Fogg would be in time if he took the next boat; but this only put Passepartout in a passion. Mr. Fogg, bolder than his servant, did not hesitate to approach the pilot, and tranquilly ask him if he knew when a steamer would leave Hong Kong for Yokohama. "At high tide to-morrow morning," answered the pilot. "Ah!" said Mr. Fogg, without betraying any astonishment. Passepartout, who heard what passed, would willingly have embraced the pilot, while Fix would have been glad to twist his neck. "What is the steamer's name?" asked Mr. Fogg.
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